NOW Living Downtown!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

May I Suggest...

Tonight, I went to Fresno State, and saw the new film about Garrison Keillor, "The Man on the Radio in the Red Shoes." It was well done, inspiring, funny, entertaining, and profound. I did not expect to use so many positive adjectives. I like Keillor, I've always liked "Prairie Home Companion." It's been on the air since 1974, and I have fond memories of listening to PHC in college, grad school in my first teaching jobs. For years, I said that I wouldn't know know anything if it weren't for NPR, and Garrison Keillor was a major part of my knowledge. I loved the "ordinary" people he interviewed, the simplicity of the music, the heart in his stories, the vivid storytelling, his use of language, and his passion for poetry. I wanted, and still want, to write like him, to tell stories like him, and to be the southern/central california/baptist version of Garrison Keillor. That probably will not happen, but, I'm not done dreaming...
One line in the movie--and, I calculated that he was 65 years old when he made this statement, he said "I am moving into the most productive period of my life. I am amazed that I am accomplishing more--and working faster than I ever have...this is the best time of my life." Were I not sitting in a full auditorium, I would have shouted my agreement. YES, I get that!
Me, too---I am accomplishing more, working faster.. with some sort of urgency, that isn't that kind of "stress urgency," but, a positive kind of driving urgency that makes me wake up earlier in the morning (or, it could be the diuretics and being 53)--and "get to it."
There is a song, and I listen to it almost daily. I have it in 3 versions on my iPod. The lyrics..."may I suggest, may I suggest to you, may I suggest this is the best part of your life. "
So, with Garrison Keillor, may I suggest...this is the best part of your life?


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