Practical Ways to Love Your Neighbor...
What does Loving My Neighbor look like in MY neighborhood today?
Here are some practical (and somewhat random) ways:
1. Fix up and maintain your house so that you ADD to your property value, and RAISE the property value of your neighbors. Love them with a fresh coat of paint, good, pretty landscaping, onon-obtrusive plantings, complementary colors. Give your house curb appeal, but don't make your neighbor's houses look bad in the process.
2. Keep your music and other noise level down. It's hard to love your neighbor when you're keeping them awake. More true in apartments and condos than houses. Parties and group gatherings at your house send a message (and if your neighbors aren't invited, that doesn't look good)-your small goup parking and noise may be counter-productive to the message you want to send to your neighbors.
3. Mind your pets. Keep the poo and pee off of your neighbor's lawns and yards. Spay and neuter your cats and dogs. Keep the barking and cat-fighting at a minimum.
4. Share the goods! When you buy in bulk at Costco or Sam's Club, ask your neighbors what they need and then share your bounty (literally) with them. Develop a coupon sharing process, discount books, online deals--if you don't need diapers, share the coupons with neighbors who do.
5. Curb your children. If your kids are out of control, why would your neighbors want to be around you? If THEIR kids are out of control, the way that you respond to them is speaking volumes. Know their names, their grades, their hobbies, and contribute to the positive activities in their life. (I've helped build a skateboard ramp, tossed balls back in their yards, helped name dinosaurs, and helped stock a neighborhood library with games, books and toys).
6. Spend time talking to your neighbors. Open your house to hosting neighborhood watch meetings, and other neighborhood groups (if you don't have Neighborhood Watch--Start one!) Give yourself time and space to talk to your neighbors almost every day.
7. Host your neighbors IN your home, on your porch, at your table, at game night, TV parties, movie nights, Bible Studies, potlucks, birthday/anniversary parties. Let your neighbors see you with your friends and family--and let them KNOW you (then, you can KNOW them!)
8. Develop a "neighborhood resource list" of professionals, organizations, helpful services, City departments, that you can call and offer as help. Include AA, plumbers, electricians, garbage pickup, sewage, utilities, crisis hotlines, local law enforcement (that you know by name), City Council staff for your district..YOU should be the person who knows how to find help!
9. Celebrate Holidays AT HOME. Be the best house on the block for Halloween candy, Valentines hearts, fly your flag on Flag Day and 4th of July, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day. Let your neighbors know that you are alive, aware and engaged.
10. Engage. Do NOT isolate yourself from your neighbors, especially if your neighbors are a different color, faith, age, economic status, sexual orientation, language, political party or nationality than you and your family. (except Texans--it's ok to avoid them:)
You can't love 'em if your don't know 'em--and your can't know 'em if you don't OPEN your heart, your gate and your doors...
Does Tim Howe know what you said about Texans? LOL Hope all is well with you Don. Why haven't you written since January? I just saw this blog on your LinkedIn page today - so checked it out - great writing - pray you're well. Joyce Owen
JoJoO, At
5:47 PM
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